
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

Šta izabrati: HTC Legend ili HTC Desire?

Vratili smo se sa još jednom recenzijom, i to dvostrukom. Ali, ne želimo da utvrdimo koji od ova dva telefona je bolji, već samo da vidimo koji je bolji za vas. Zainteresovani? Onda pročitajte više. Kao i obično, specifikacije za nestrpljive. Prvo Legend: Ekran: 3.2” AMOLED kapacitivni ekran osetljiv na dodir, HVGA rezolucija (320×480) Procesor: Qualcomm MSM 7227 600 MHz Memorija: 512MB ROM, 384MB RAM, proširiva preko microSD kartica (kapaciteta

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What to choose: HTC Legend vs Desire?

We're back with another review. And it is a dual review. But, we don't want to see which of these phones is better, we want to see which is better for you. Interested? Then read more. As usual, quick specs for the impatient. First we'll go with Legend: Screen: 3.2” AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, HVGA resolution (320×480) Processor: Qualcomm MSM 7227 600 MHz Memory: 512MB ROM, 384MB RAM, expandable via microSD

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Da li je Motorola Shadow novi Google Phone ?

Postoji dosta tračeva u vezi novog vrhunskog Android telefona kompanije Motorola. Par mogućih scenarija su: Motorola Shadow će biti imenovana Droid 2 i postati Google (Nexus) Two, Motorola Shadow će biti poznata kao Google Nexus Two ali neće imati fizičku tastaturu, dok će skoro-identični Droid 2 imati tastaturu, Shadow uopšte ne postoji :) Na današnji dan (3. maj 2010.) specifikacije su najbliže sledećim: 4.3" kapacitivni ekran, rezolucije 480×854, QWERTY tastatura,

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Is Motorola Shadow the new Google phone ?

There have been a lot of rumors regarding the new high-end Android phone from Motorola. There are couple of possible scenarios: Motorola Shadow will be known as the Droid 2 and become the Google (Nexus) Two, Motorola Shadow will be known as Google Nexus Two and won't have physical keyboard, while the near-identical Droid 2 will have keyboard, There is no Shadow :) As far as the specs go: 4.3"

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Windows Phone 7 – šta da očekujemo ?

Nadamo se da će ovaj put Microsoft bolje proći. Segmentu smart telefona zaista je potreban još jedan jak igrač, koji bi se uhvatio u koštac sa iPhone OS-om, Androidom, BlackBerry OS-om… Windows Mobile nije adekvatno odgovorio konkurenciji, a iskreno, verzije 6.5.x su nas razočarale. Pogledajmo raspoložive informacije o novoj plaformi od kada je ona predstavljena (ovaj događaj smo pratili uživo na blogu, direktno sa Mobile World Congress 2010, održanog

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Windows Phone 7 – what to expect ?

We are really hoping everything works out OK for Microsoft this time. Smartphone OS arena definately could do with another strong player, competing with iPhone OS, Android, BlackBerry OS… Windows Mobile failed to deliver, and frankly, versions 6.5.x were a big disappointment. So we bring you a recap of the important news since the unveiling we covered live at Mobile World Congress 2010, Barcelona. We really dig the new flat

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Novi Google SkyMap sada sa Habl teleskop podrskom

Google je lansirao novu verziju SkyMap aplikacije za Android telefone, možda slučajno, baš ovih dana kako bi obeležio 20 godina od lansiranja Habl teleskopa? Sa Google Sky Map aplikacijom za vaš Android telefon, možete otkriti i istražiti noćno nebo iznad vaše lokacije ili pogledati fotografije koje je napravio Habl teleskom. Koristeći senzore za orijentaciju na vašem Android telefonu, možete saznati više o planetama, zvezdama i sazvežđima iznad vas. Odlična primena

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New Google SkyMap now with Hubble Image Gallery

Google has released new version of SkyMap application for Android phones, maybe just to mark two decades of Hubble telescope in space, this month? With Google Sky Map for your Android phone you can discover and browse the night sky just by pointing your phone to space, and now also see images from Hubble telescope By using your Android phone's orientation sensors, you can see a star map above your

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Jabra i Plantronics Bluetooth headset modeli

Shvatili smo da i pored čestih promena različitih smart telefona tokom njihovog testiranja zadržavamo konzervativan stav po pitanju bluetooth slušalica. Već duže vreme koristimo Jabra i Plantronics proizvode (od 2007. godine). Nismo imali razlog da ih menjamo jer savršeno rade sa svim novim modelima telefona sa kojima smo se susreli. Ali, sigurno ima nekih poboljšanja ? Napravili smo mali test sa tri zanimljiva modela. Evo kako izgledaju. [nggallery id=10] Jabra

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Jabra and Plantronics Bluetooth mobile headsets

We realized that with frequent changes of various smartphone devices and testing periods with new phones we are really strict considering the Bluetooth mobile headsets. Our team is using Jabra and Plantronics for quite a while now (since 2007 that is). We did not had a reason to change them, they work perfectly with every new smartphone model out there. But, there must be some improvements ? So we gathered

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