
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

HTC HD Mini – svi screenshotovi

Ekskluzivno za blog Ponovo smo to uradili, tako da sada možete u potpunosti da proučite novi HTC HD Mini. Pogledajte galeriju sa (skoro svim) screenshot-ovima ovog telefona (ukupno 55). Opšti utisci o ovom telefonu su dobri, ekran je kapacitivan, a poleđina izrađena od mat plastike u gunmetal boji. Ovaj naslednik modela Diamond 2 ima manje piksela (rezolucija je HVGA umesto WVGA), ali je zbog toga izuzetno brz. Procesor radi

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HTC HD Mini – all the screenshots blog exclusive OK, we did it again, for your complete overview of the new HTC HD Mini, check out a set of (almost) all the screenshots from this smartphone (55 in total). General impressions are good, the screen is capacitive, back cover in gunmetal non-glossy surface. The successor to the Diamond 2 has less pixels (resolution is HVGA instead of WVGA), but it is fast. Combining 600MHz with 384MB

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Odlična prezentacija telefona Samsung Galaxy S

Ekipa IntoMobile prisustvovala je sjanoj prezentaciji dolazećeg Samsung Galaxy S telefona na ogovodišnjem CTIA skupu u Las Vegasu. Dok nestrpljivo čekamo da se ovaj model pojavi, razmišljamo koliko je stvarno dobar Super AMOLED ekran, za koga kažu da je sjajan čak i na suncu. Obavezno pogledajte sledeću prezentaciju. Izdvajamo najzanimljivije specifikacije sa PhoneArena sajta: Super AMOLED 4" WVGA ekran 122.4 x 64.2 x 9.9 mm, 118g 720p HD video snimanje

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Američki operater Sprint i HTC najavili model HTC EVO 4G

Čim se pojavio HTC HD2 mnogima je nedostajala Android alternativa u sličnom pakovanju. Želeli smo slične performanse i ogromni ekran i sa Android OS-om. Ovaj put će Evropa i GSM korisnici uopšte sačekati, a amerikanci dobijaju priliku za hvalisanje. Operater Sprint najavio je novi flagship model – HTC EVO 4G. HTC EVO 4G je definitivno sjajan telefon u koji su integrisane sve karakteristike Android 2.1 operativnog sistema i najnovijeg HTC

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Sprint gets lucky, as HTC EVO 4G is announced

As soon as HD2 hit the market Android equivalent was missing. We wanted the same specs and huge screen but with Android OS. Well, it looks like Europe and GSM users will have to wait for a while. Now the Americans get the chance to show off, as Sprint gets lucky and announces the new flagship model – HTC EVO 4G. HTC EVO 4G is definately a great device, integrating

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HTC reagovao na tužbu Apple-a za kršenje patentnih prava

Pre dve nedelje, kompanija Apple je tužila HTC, tvrdeći da je HTC ugrozio intelektualnu svojinu u preko 20 različitih patenata u vezi iPhone i mobilnih uređaja. Nije tajna da je HTC jedan od Appleovih najvećih konkurenata i pretnja iPhone tržištu sa svojim Windows Mobile i Android modelima. Od vesti o tužbi, HTC je bio prilično tih po ovom pitanju. Bilo je svega par izjava na temu inovativnosti kompanije HTC. Danas

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HTC reacts to Apple’s lawsuit for patent infringement

Two weeks ago, HTC was hit with a lawsuit from Apple, claiming that HTC is infringing on 20 different patents related to the iPhone and mobile computing.  It’s no secret that HTC is one of Apple’s biggest threats to the iPhone market with its Windows Mobile and Android lineups. Since news of the lawsuit broke, HTC has been pretty silent on the matter.  The most we have heard from them

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Hannover Cebit 2010

Month March, where true IT experts should be? In Germany, Hannover at CeBIT exibition, attending tradiotional exibition for Information Technologies. Products, technologies and ideas presented from more than 4,157 companies from 68 countries. Exibition officials said that this year there were more business contacts established than in 2009. So we think that this year will be better. Spain was chosen as country-partner for 2010 exibition with more than 100 exibitors.

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Novothink je pustio u prodaju torbice za iPhone i iPod Touch sa ugrađenim solarnim punjačem

Dobre vesti za sve vlasnike iPhone i iPod Touch uređaja. Pa, ne baš za sve, pošto su u ovom trenutku podržane samo 3G i 3GS verzije iPhone-a i druga generacija iPod Touch-a. Sada možete da punite svoje uređaje preko solarnih panela koji su pričvršćeni za torbicu za vaš uređaj. U torbicu je integrisana i baterija koju možete da punite i sa prikačenim uređajem, a i bez njega. Veoma korisno, posebno

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