
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

Windows Phone 7 se polako približava, a koncepti budućih telefona se pojavljuju

Svi smo veoma zainteresovani za dolazeći Windows Phone 7. Dok nam se dan predstavljanja novog džepnog Microsoft operativnog sistema približava, mnogi su radoznali, napeti, nervozni. To ponekad, naravno, može biti i dobro. Pogledajte koncept budućeg telefona osmišljenog od strane učesnika  XDA foruma (@FollowLivven na Twitter-u). Zapamtite da je ovo SAMO KONCEPT :) baziran na traču da će HTC Mondrian (sa procesorom na 1.3GHz) biti baziran kao naslednik nekog od sledećih

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As Windows Phone 7 is getting near, concepts appear

We are all very interested in the upcoming Windows Phone 7. As the new mobile OS from Microsoft is getting closer to launch date, people are getting nervous. Of course, that can sometimes be a good thing. Check out the design concept of XDA's Livven (@FollowLivven on Twitter). Remember this is JUST A CONCEPT :) based on a rumor that HTC Mondrian (1.3GHz) will be Diamond/TouchPro/HD based. The author is

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HTC Wildfire, u proizvodnji poznat kao Buzz ugledao svetlost dana

Kao što možda već znate, novi HTC model Wildfire (ranije poznati i kao Buzz) će zameniti popularni Tattoo u entry level Android segmentu. I pored sličnih dimenzija, Wildfire će biti dosta ekskluzivniji, a HTC maskice koje korisnici sami mogu da menjaju privremeno napušta kod ovog modela i kućišta menja u par izuzetno kvalitetnih modela. Primećujemo sličnost sa većim bratom – modelom Desire, bravo za HTC. Evo i specifikacija: Dimenzije: 107x60x13

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HTC Wildfire iz the Buzz word of the day

As you already know, the upcoming HTC Wildfire (aka Buzz) will replace the model Tattoo in the entry level Android segment. While keeping the similar form factor, Wildfire will be more exclusive, HTC is dropping user-replaceable covers, and sticking to a couple of catchy exclusive fixed color covers. We can see the resemblance between Wildfire and Desire, thumbs up HTC. The quick specs: Dimensions: 107x60x13 mm, weight: 118g CPU: 528MHz

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Uskoro lansiranje Android 2.2 FroYo (frozen yoghurt – smrznuti jogurt)

Velika statua šolje smrznutog jogurta je fotografisana pored dosadašnjih velikih statua slatkiša kao što su Ekler (Éclair), krofna (the donut) i cupcake, ispred  Googlove centrale u Mountain View, Kalifornija. Ovo je sigran znak da možemo da uskoro očekujemo lansiranje nove verzije Android 2.2 operativnog sistema. Ovaj operativni sistem će u sebi imati punu podršku za Adobe Flash, ali kako nepreovereni testovi sa AndroidPolice websajta kažu, možemo očekivati u nekim situacijama i do 450% ubrzanja u odnosu

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Android 2.2 FroYo (frozen yoghurt) launch imminent

A giant statue of a cup of frozen yoghurt has been photographed alongside other oversized statues of desserts, such as the Éclair, the donut and the cupcake, in front of Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California. This is a clear indication the launch of the latest version of its mobile phone operating system is imminent.   The operating system will have fully integrated Adobe Flash support, and there will be

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iPad kao novi vid zabave na dužim letovima

Izgleda da kompanija bluebox Ai planira da iPad iskoristi kao novi vid zabave na dužim letovima. iPad uređaji će omogućiti putnicima klasične iPad servise, aplikacije, knjige (iBooks), časopise koji se nude kroz Zinio servis kao i posebno napisane aplikacije specivične za avio kompanije. Nestpljivo čekamo više detalja… Izvor: Runway Girl

iPad might be used for inflight entertainment ?

It appears that bluebox Ai is responsible for future version of iPad customized for airline travel. The iPad devices will give passengers the full iPad experience including access to iPad games and apps, iBooks, consumer magazines offered through Zinio and airline-specific custom applications. We'll have to wait a while and see what they will come up with… Source: Runway Girl

Šta izabrati: Motorolu Milestone ili HTC Desire?

Nastavljamo sa našom "Šta izabrati?" serijom poredeći Motorolu Milestone i HTC Desire. Ovog puta samo navodimo ključne razlike između ova dva uređaja, i naglašavamo neke od najvažnijih osobina Motorole Milestone. Više o tome možete pročitati ovde. Specifikacije za Motorolu Milestone: Ekran: 3.7” TFT LCD kapacitivni ekran osetljiv na dodir, WVGA rezolucija (480×854) Procesor: Arm Cortex A8 600 MHz (sa taktom spuštenim na 550 MHz), PowerVR SGX 530 za grafiku Memorija:

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What to choose: Motorola Milestone vs HTC Desire?

We're continuing our "What to choose?" series of reviews with Motorola Milestone vs HTC Desire. This time around, we are simply pointing out key differences between them, and highlighting some important features of Motorola Milestone. You can read more about it here. Specifications for Motorola Milestone: Screen: 3.7” TFT LCD capacitive touchscreen, WVGA resolution (480×854) Processor: Arm Cortex A8 600 MHz (underclocked to 550 MHz), PowerVR SGX 530 for graphics

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