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Tag android 2.2

Uskoro lansiranje Android 2.2 FroYo (frozen yoghurt – smrznuti jogurt)

Velika statua šolje smrznutog jogurta je fotografisana pored dosadašnjih velikih statua slatkiša kao što su Ekler (Éclair), krofna (the donut) i cupcake, ispred  Googlove centrale u Mountain View, Kalifornija. Ovo je sigran znak da možemo da uskoro očekujemo lansiranje nove verzije Android 2.2 operativnog sistema. Ovaj operativni sistem će u sebi imati punu podršku za Adobe Flash, ali kako nepreovereni testovi sa AndroidPolice websajta kažu, možemo očekivati u nekim situacijama i do 450% ubrzanja u odnosu

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Android 2.2 FroYo (frozen yoghurt) launch imminent

A giant statue of a cup of frozen yoghurt has been photographed alongside other oversized statues of desserts, such as the Éclair, the donut and the cupcake, in front of Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California. This is a clear indication the launch of the latest version of its mobile phone operating system is imminent.   The operating system will have fully integrated Adobe Flash support, and there will be

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