
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

Windows Phone 7 limitations, parade and strange promo video

As the launch of Windows Phone 7 is getting near, more information surfaces. We already had a dedicated WP7 post earlier this year, Engadget had it too. The chance is, if you're not living in EFIGS (English, French, Italian, German, Spain) speaking countries, you will not get the complete experience – at least not from the start: Marketplace functionality will be limited No Xbox Live service No Zune support Only

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BlackBerry App World sada ima preko 10.000 aplikacija

Stvari postaju jako interesantne kada su u pitanju mobilne aplikacije. Apple je i dalje na čelu sa preko 250.000 aplikacija, dok se Google brzo približava (oko 100.000). BlackBerry sada ima preko 10.000 aplikacija u svojoj "prodavnici" App World. Postavlja se pitanje koji procenat raspoloživih otpada na besmislene aplikacije (razni zvuci, masažeri, i slično). Napori kompanija Google i Nokia da omoguće bilo kome da kreira aplikaciju može rezultirati još većom gužvom

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BlackBerry now has more than 10,000 apps

As far as the mobile applications go, things are getting really interesting. Apple is still at the throne with more than 250,000 apps, and Google is approaching fast (100k). BlackBerry now has more than 10,000 in their App World. The question remains, what percent of them are just senseless pranks that just add to the count. The efforts of Google and Nokia to involve non-developers in the application creation could

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HTC Desire Z će biti veoma lak?

Nove informacije i fotografije dolazećeg modela HTC Desire Z (T-Mobile G2 u Americi, na slici iznad i ispod) počinju da se pojavljuju. Po svemu sudeći Desire Z će biti lakši od modela Desire sa istom veličinom ekrana (3.7 inča). Da li je HTC uspeo da ga spakuje u svega 120 grama ? Novi mehanizam je jednostavan ali drastično lakši nego što bismo očekivali. Moraćemo da sačekamo i vidimo kakve će biti

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HTC Desire Z is ultra lightweight?

New information and images regarding HTC Desire Z (T-Mobile G2 in the USA, in the photo above and below) begin to surface. It appears that Desire Z will be lighter than Desire with the same screen size (3.7"). Did HTC manage to put all this goodness into just 120 grams ? The new mechanism is simple but weights less than you could expect. We'll have to wait and see about

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3D Video beam, 3D notebook & 3D Monitor – LG 3D Trio

    Kompanija LG je najavila lansiranje njihovog prvog 3D notebooka (model LG R590 3D) koji sadrzi sve prednosti 3D tehnologije u prenosnom izdanju. Pored 3D notebooka, LG je predstavio i 3D monitor kao i 3D projector, koji zajedno čine kompletan paket 3D proizvoda za razonodu ili uživanje u filmovima poslednje generacije. Prvi 3D Notebook LG R590 3D ima 15.6 inčni ekran, Intel I7 procesor i NVidia GeForce GT335M grafičku

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3D Video beam, 3D notebook & 3D Monitor – LG 3D Trio

Company LG have announced the launch of their first 3D notebook (model LG R590 3D) which captures all the benefits of 3D in a portable form factor. In addition to the 3D notebook, LG is introducing a 3D monitor and 3D projector, offering a complete package of 3D products for gaming and movie viewing in one’s home. First 3D Notebook LG R590 3D with 15.6inch display, powered by Intel I7 CPU

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Acer Liquid E – specijalna Ferrari verzija, sa novim Androidom 2.1

Ekskluzivno za blog Prvi Acer Android telefon je dobio nov izgled kao i upgrade na novu verziju operativnog sistema (Android 2.1). Hardverske specifikacije su identične regularnom modelu, a ovaj telefon dolazi sa posebnom bluetooth slušalicom i futrolom u Ferrari bojama, čime ove kompanije proslavljaju 800-tu trku Formule 1 Ferrari tima. Osim operativnog sistema, softverski deo telefona je pretrpeo minimalne izmene, u korisničkom interfejsu, desktop slikama i muzici koja podseća

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Acer Liquid E in Ferrari colors – now with Android 2.1 blog Exclusive The first Acer Android phone gets a new facelift and new OS version as well. The hardware is the same as in the regular model, and this special edition phone with bluetooth headset and pouch in Ferrari colors is celebrating the 800th race of the Formula 1 Ferrari team. The software portion of the phone has minor changes as well, new user interface, cool desktop wall papers

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Od sada bilo ko može da napravi Android aplikaciju

Era WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) razvoja mobilnih aplikacija je upravo počela. App Inventor je još jedna cool besplatna aplikacija koja izlazi iz Google Labsa, omogućavajući bilo kome da počne sa razvojem Android aplikacija sa par klikova mišem. Bez ikakvog potrebnog predznjanja u programiranju, samo dobra ideja je dovoljna da napravite odličnu aplikaciju. Aplikaciju je moguće napraviti kombinovanjem gotovih gradivnih elemenata (building blocks) i raspoređivajući komponente na

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