
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

Google expands commercial part of Android Market

If you are an active Android developer, you have probably already heard this: Google has expanded its support for paid applications selling and buying on Android Market. Developers from following countries can now start selling their applications: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan. This brings total sum of countries that can sell

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BlackBerry-jev odgovor na iPad

Pre par dana, kanadska kompanija Research In Motion (RIM) je najavila svoj novi tablet nazvan PlayBook. Uz obećanje da će potpuno promeniti pravila igre na rastućem tržištu tableta, PlayBook sadrži dvojezgarni procesor od 1GHz, kapacitivni ekran od 7" sa rezolucijom od 1024×600, dve kamere (prednju i zadnju) sa mogućnošću snimanja video zapisa u formatu od 1080p, HDMI izlaz, bogato internet iskustvo sa podrškom za Adobe Flash, Adobe AIR i HTML-5,

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BlackBerry’s response to iPad

We almost missed this one, but couple of days ago, Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM) has announced its new tablet, called PlayBook. Promised to be game-changing product in growing tablet marketplace, PlayBook sports 1GHz dual-code processor, 7" capacitive screen with 1024×600 resolution, two cameras (front and rear facing) with 1080p recording support, HDMI output, rich web experience with Adobe Flash, Adobe AIR and HTML-5 support, and easy integration with

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HTC Desire HD pored HTC Desire – razlike u veličinama

Da li se spremate za  HTC Desire HD ? U ruci je sličan modelu HD, ali uz nešto bolju ergonomiju. Evo i poređenja veličine u odnosu na "običan" Desire. Super LCD ekran dijagonale 4.3" pravi kompanija Sony i trebalo bi da prikazuje realističnije boje i omogući duže trajanje baterije u poređenju sa AMOLED ekranima stare generacije. Ipak, Super AMOLED i dalje nema premca kada su u pitanju smart telefoni… Izvor:

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HTC Desire HD vs HTC Desire – size comparison

Are you getting ready for HTC Desire HD ? It does feel like HD2 in your hand, but here is a direct comparison with a regular Desire. Super LCD 4.3" screen is manufactured by Sony and it should provide more realistic colors and longer battery life compared to old generation AMOLED. However, we think that Super AMOLED still is the best option for the smartphone screens… Source: Swedroid

Samsung GALAXY Tab – sada znamo i okvirnu cenu

  Svi smo se pitali koliko bi dolazeći Samsung GALAXY Tab mogao da košta. Sada i to znamo, makar za Australiju – za SIM free verziju 999 AUD (ili 712 €). Nestpljivo očekujemo i prognozu za ostatak sveta…     Izvor: Smarthouse

Samsung GALAXY Tab gets a price

We have all been wandering about the price of the upcoming Samsung GALAXY Tab. Well now we know, at least for Australia. It will cost you (SIM free) 999 AUD (or 712 €). Let’s wait and see about the rest of the world. Source: Smarthouse

HTC Desire HD i Desire Z – probali smo ih u Londonu

Ekskluzivno za blog Predstavljamo vam prve fotografije upravo predstavljenih modela HTC Desire HD i Desire Z. Primetili smo i par zanimljivih sitnica koje su drugima možda promakle: Novi Sense ima opciju za import kontakata sa drugih HTC, iPhone, BlackBerry … telefona direktno putem bluetooth veze, Black-list aplikacija dolazi preinstalirana, Desire HD bolje leži u ruci od modela HD2, Iako Desire Z izgleda sjajno, njegova tastatura sa 4 reda ne

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HTC Desire Z and HTC Desire HD London event blog Exclusive on HTC event in London at HTC Desire Z and HTC Desire HD world premiere. We can expect up to 20 per cent battery life on these two models and improved version of HTC Sense interface that will allow users to manage their phone over web service. We can also expect improved mapping software and multimedia capabilities.  Desire HD will also feature 8MPix camera with 720p

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Windows Phone 7 – ograničenja, parada i jako čudan promo spot

Kako se premijera novog džepnog operativnog sistema Windows Phone 7 približava, pojavljuje se sve više interesantnih informacija. Već smo imali članak posvećen WP7 ranije ove godine, Engadget ga je imao takođe. Na osnovu (još neproverenih) informacija o RTM verziji, ukoliko živite (a živimo) van EFIGS (English, French, Italian, German, Spain) govornog područja, nećete imati kompletno iskustvo u korišćenju ovog operativnog sistema – bar ne od samog početka: Marketplace funkcionalnost će

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