
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

Nokia N900 special unboxing video

Tracy and Matt have published on their blog really interesting Nokia N900 unboxing video. All that they have received is the large black plastic monolith with minu USB connector. Puzzle for real geeks. Inside there is a brand new Nokia N900 with Linux Maemo OS and accessories. Although excelent OS comming from Nokia, in next year rumors are that there is only one additional Maemo device that we can expect.

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Nokia N900 u hakerskom pakovanju

Tracy and Matt su, na svom blogu, objavili video klip koji pokazuje nokiu N900 u neverovatnom pakovanju. Pred ekipom bloga našla se velika crna monolit kutija, sa mini USB konektorom. Izazov za prave hakere. Naravno, unutra ih je sačekala Nokia N900 sa Linux Maemo operativnim sistemom. Iako nam se ovaj OS izuzetno dopao, priča se da možemo očekivati samo još jedan model u bliskoj budućnosti. Uskoro više detalja o N900

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Stella Artois spašava pivopije sa Augmented Reality-jem

Stella Artois je ujedinila snage sa kompanijom specijalizovanom za razvoj augmented reality softvera AcrossAir i lansirala aplikaciju za mobilne telefone koja pivopijama pomaže da najlakše dođu do najbližeg bara u kome se toči Stella. Kako kaže VentureBeat, aplikacija koja će biti lansirana ove nedelje, omogućiće korisnicima da nađu najbliže barove iz baze od preko 80.000 Stella Artois lokacija, jednostavno mašući telefonom u vazduhu. Ovo je jedna od prvih AR aplikacija

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Stella Artois finds good use of augmented reality

Stella Artois has teamed up with mobile augmented reality firm AcrossAir to launch a mobile app that lets drinkers find their nearest Stella-dispensing bar. The app, which will be launched this week according to VentureBeat, will allow users to find nearby bars from Stella Artois' 80,000-strong database, simply by waving their cameraphone around in the air. It's one of the first big-brand AR apps, although Stella isn't alone in looking

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Project anything on-the-go

  Pico projectors are not that new to the market. Early problems with poor battery life, luminescence, and resolution have been solved sufficiently, and these devices have matured into something worthwhile of your attention (and your money ). They exist in two forms: external and integrated. External version is pocket version of pico projector that can be connected to any device that you have adapter for. Integrated version is, of

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Projektori za džep

Pico projektori nisu toliko novi na tržištu. Dečije bolesti sa slabim baterijama, jačinom osvetljenja i rezolucijom su konačno rešene (u zadovoljavajućoj meri) a sami uređaji su postavli vredni naše pažnje (i novca ). Piko projektori trenutno postoje u dve varijante: eksterni i integrisani. Eksterne verzije su u stvari džepne verzije piko projektora koje mogu biti povezane sa bilo kojim uređajem (pod uslovom da imate odgovarajući adapter). Integrisane verzije su, naravno,

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Smart Alarm wakes you up early when the weather turns bad

There are thousands of alarm applications, but this one is original. If it is suddenly snowing it is smart enough to receive a information for weather conditions and wake you early in order to compensate for your morning snow cleaning activity. Keep your BMI as it is supposed to be :) Smart Alarm adjusts your wake up schedule for this snowy day, along with other unfortunate bouts of weather. You

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Smart Alarm nas budi ranije ukoliko vremenske prilike ne slute na dobro

Postoje razne aplikacije za buđenje, ali ova je zaista posebna. Ukoliko se vremenske prilike pokvare i naš grad osvane zavejan snegom, probudiće nas ranije (da očistimo sneg sa automobila, pronađemo rukavice, itd :)) Smart Alarm se prilagođava vremenskim prilikama i menja vreme buđenja u skladu sa njima. Naravno, u nekim vremenskim prilikama sigurno kasnimo na posao (Ice Storm over Geneva)  Izvor: MobileCrunch i PBase

Vip mobile presents the first customized HTC Tattoo covers

Serbian mobile operator Vip mobile becomes the first in the world to offer 3 exclusive covers with HTC Tattoo. Besides the default gray one, and the Lava red&white, which we saw earlier, customers can pick out of three new exclusive covers, specially made for Vip mobile.

Nav N Go introduces Android Solution

Hungarian based company Nav N Go, well known for it's GPS navigation software for mobile devices has just announced the upcoming Android version of iGO amigo. Besides Windows Mobile and iPhone platforms, iGO will be available on Android as well, fixing the last thing that this OS needed to become fully functional – real GPS software with offline maps. Read the complete press release here. Expect an exclusive review of

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