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Category PDA Phone

Sve oči uperene u Microsoft na predstojećem Mobile World Congress-u u Barseloni

Nova verzija džepnog operativnog sistema Windows Mobile definitivno je vruća tema. Svima je jasno (pa i Microsoftu) da WM7 kasni, a stručna javnost je bila razočarana malim napretkom u verzijama 6.5.x. Čini se da, na ovom polju, Microsoft polako gubi tlo pod nogama, dok konkurencija ne spava. Sa velikom bazom korisnika i gomilom raspoloživih aplikacija, Microsoft je i dalje u prednosti, naročito kada su u pitanju poslovni korisnici. Ipak, sve

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All eyes on Microsoft at MWC 2010

There has been a lot of rumors considering the next version of Windows Mobile. WM7 is definately late, as all of us were dissapointed with versions 6.5.x. It feels like Microsoft is loosing it's ground, by letting everyone take a shot at them. With a large consumer base, and tons of available applications, Microsoft still has the advantage among the corporate customers. However, iPhone and Android apps/consumer base is growing

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X2 sa SPB Mobile Shell-om

Da li se sećate Xperie X1 i tragičnih panela koji su trebali da olakšaju korisničko iskustvo i unaprede interfejs ? Videli smo ih prvi put na Mobile World Congress-u 2008. godine. Iako se X2 bitno ne razlikuje od X1, ekipa u Sony Ericssonu je shvatila da postoje alternativna rešenja fabričkom korisničkom interfejsu Windows Mobile operativnog sistema, dostupna na tržištu. Nedavno smo testirali najnoviju verziju odličnog SPB Mobile Shell-a (v 3.5)

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X2 with SPB Mobile Shell

Remember Xperia X1 and tragic UI panels made by Sony Ericsson (we saw it on MWC 2008)? Although they did not move much from X1 in terms of specs, and Xperia X2 does not seem like anything special, the guys from SE have realized that there is alternative to WM stock UI right there on the market. We had a review of the great SPB Mobile Shell a while ago

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Nexus One samo što nije stigao

Upoznajmo se sa prvim telefonom sa 1GHz Snapdragon procesorom i Android operativnim sistemom. Nexus One je definitivno vruća tema svih tehnology blogova širom sveta. Ekipa sa Engadgeta napravila je kompletan review na ovoj stranici. Što se tiče nas, korisnika iz Evrope, Vodafone je najavio da će u svojoj ponudi imati ovaj model za svega par nedelja. Čini se da je ovaj put HTC prevazišao samog sebe, napravivši najbrži Android smartphone

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Nexus One just around the corner

The first 1GHz Snapdragon Android phone is here. Nexus One has been the hot topic of all the technology blogs around the world. Engadget has the full review here. As far as we European users go, Vodafone has announced that in just a few weeks it will have it in it's offer. It appears that HTC outdid itself, making the most powerful Android smartphone on the market. It looks very

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Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 review

We are back from our holidays, and, since this is our first post this year, we wish everybody Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and lots of cool gadgets :-) For the last few days, we have been testing Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 (who comes up with these kind of names???). It is a splendid little smartphone, and we enjoyed playing with it. You can read our impressions about the

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Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 recenzija

Vratili smo se sa praznika, a pošto nam je ovo prvi post za ovu godinu, svima želimo srećan Božić i srećnu Novu godinu, a takođe i dosta super gedžeta :-) Poslednjih nekoliko dana smo testirali Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 (ko li samo smišlja ova imena???). U pitanju je baš zgodan mali smartphone, i prosto smo uživali igrajući se sa njim. Možete pročitati naše utiske o njemu ovde. Specifikacije u opštim

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Samsung I8000 Omnia 2 video i snimci ekrana

Već smo objavili dosta snimaka ekrana Samsungovog modela I8000 Omnia II. Sada imamo finalnu verziju softvera, i čini se da je Samsung pokušao da prikrije Majkrosoftove mane što je više moguće sa svojim TouchWiz interfejsom. Sam uređaj je veoma brz, a kvalitet izrade je odličan. Nakon brzog prelaza preko specifikacija, predstavljamo vam video prezentaciju uređaja i gomilu novih snimaka ekrana: Ekran: AMOLED rezistivni ekran osetljiv na dodir, 3.7" sa WVGA

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Samsung I8000 Omnia 2 video & screenshots

We have already published a lot of screenshots of Samsung's I8000 Omnia II. Now we have a final build of the software and it looks like Samsung has tried to cover Microsoft flaws as much as possible with it's TouchWiz interface. The device itself is very fast, and build quality is excellent. After a quick check of the specs we present you a vdeo tour and a ton of new

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