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Category PDA Phone

Google gives Nexus One phones to all developers at Mobile World Congress blog exclusive As we witnessed ourselves, Google has been giving away free Nexus One phones for all registered atendees at Android Developers Lab's technical conferences at Mobile World Congress. While we are entering this text Nexuses are being unboxed and a bunch of people are walking trough Barcelona with grey new phones and pink X signs on their hands. Way to go, Google!

HTC predstavio nova tri modela na Mobile World Congress 2010 – Desire (Bravo), Legend, HD mini (Photon)

U okviru veoma interesantna prva dva dana na MWC manifestaciji u Barseloni, ekipa bloga je bila u prilici da prisustvuje predstavljanju nova tri HTC modela: Desire (poznat od ranije kao Bravo), Legend, i HD Mini (poznat od ranije kao Photon). Sam događaj je vodio Peter Chow, generalni direktor HTCa sa svojim kolegama. HTC je predstavio i HTC Sense, značajno poboljšano korisničko iskustvo koje će biti integrisano u nove ali

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HTC shows 3 new models – Desire (Bravo), Legend, HD Mini (Photon)

It has been a busy start here in Barcelona at Mobile World Congress 2010. We just saw the HTC's new 3 models, Desire (aka Bravo), Legend, and HD Mini (photon). The event itself was hosted by Peter Chow, CEO of HTC along with it's colleagues. HTC has introduced the new HTC Sense, improved and ready to ship with these models as well as some older ones (confirmed for HTC Hero).

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Windows Phone event at MWC 2010 – live

Microsoft is currently hosting Windows Phone event at Mobile World Congress / Barcelona. blog is on site and we will update this post live. 15:51 CET – Three fundamental principles: Accountability for user experience, New platform with deep integrated services, A strong ecosystem. 15:48 CET – A different kind of phone designed for Life in Motion. 15:47 CET – Windows Phone 7 movie shows. Wow, tells us that we

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1 GHz za šire narodne mase

Nakon modela Acer Liquid, predstavljamo vam recenziju modela Acer F1. Ako tražite jeftiniju alternativu modelu HTC HD2, onda pročitajte malo više. Po običaju, prvo prikazujemo specifikacije: Ekran: 3.8” TFT-LCD rezistivni ekran osetljiv na dodir, WVGA rezolucija (480×800), podrška za 262K boja Procesor: Qualcomm QSD (Snapdragon) 8250 1 GHz Memorija: 512MB ROM, 256MB RAM, proširiva preko microSD kartica (veličine do 32GB) Kamera: 5MP, auto-fokus, LED blic GSM: Podrška za četiri GSM

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1 GHz for the masses

After Acer Liquid, we present you the review of Acer F1. If you are looking for a less-expensive alternative for HTC HD2, then read more about it. As usual, here are specifications: Screen: 3.8” TFT-LCD resistive touchscreen, WVGA resolution (480×800), 262K colors support Processor: Qualcomm QSD (Snapdragon) 8250 1 GHz Memory: 512MB ROM, 256MB RAM, expandable via microSD cards (up to 32GB) Camera: 5MP, Auto Focus, LED flash GSM: Quad-band

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Lenovo Lephone sa prilagođenim Androidom

Lenovo se priključuje sve popularnijoj trci Android uređaja sa najavljenim modelom Lephone, koga pogoni Snapdragon procesor. Interesantno je da pored odličnog izgleda, kao jedna od opcija dolazi i tastatura sa poklopcem koju je moguće koristiti po potrebi. Pored uobičajenih opcija (Bluetooth, WiFi), izgleda da mu kamera nije jača strana (samo 3MP). U početku će biti dostupan prvo u Kini, a više detalja očekujemo na MWC u Barseloni.        

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Lenovo Lephone with customized Android

Lenovo joins Android frenzy with announced Snapdragon powered device named Lephone. The interesting part is that besides being the cool, slick smartphone, one of the options include attachable qwerty keyboard with cover. Besides the usual options (Bluetooth, WiFi) it looks like it lacks a good camera (3MP only). It will be available in China, and we expect more details at MWC, Barcelona.             More images can

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Novi a doterani Acer Liquid

Testirali smo još jedan pametni telefon. Ovoga puta smo bili zavijeni u ruho stila i brzine. Da biste pročitali kompletnu recenziju, idite ovde. Dali ste ga probali / da li ga posedujete? Šta mislite o njemu? Specifikacije uređaja: Ekran: 3.5” TFT-LCD kapacitivni ekran osetljiv na dodir, WVGA rezolucija (480×800), podrška za 65K boja Procesor: Qualcomm QSD (Snapdragon) 8250 768 MHz Memorija: 512MB ROM, 256MB RAM, proširiva preko microSD kartica (veličine

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Slick new Acer Liquid

We have tested another smartphone. This time, it's all about style and speed. For a full review, go here. Have you tried it / do you own it? What do you think about it? Specifications sheet: Screen: 3.5” TFT-LCD capacitive touchscreen, WVGA resolution (480×800), 65K colors support Processor: Qualcomm QSD (Snapdragon) 8250 768 MHz Memory: 512MB ROM, 256MB RAM, expandable via microSD cards (up to 32GB) Camera: 5MP, Auto Focus

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