Wholesale Applicaitons Community događaj na MWC 2011
Wholesale Applications Community osnovan kako bui povećao sveobuhvatno tržište za mobilne aplikacije. Od 2010 godine, operateri i proizvođači definišu standarde i komuniciraju sa programerima. Na predstojećem Mobile World Congress 2011, WAC organizuje događaj za programere u ponedeljak 14. februara. Deo zvaničnog poziva pominje:
…Listen to presentations from WAC experts and many of our 59 member companies and watch demonstrations of how you can use WAC device APIs to create great widgets. Hear about the commercial opportunities offered when you can upload your application once, have it distributed worldwide across many application stores and have a single point of settlement. Learn about the plans for WAC enabled devices being launched throughout 2011 and experiences of your peers in the development of WAC widgets….
Pogledajte WAC website za više detalja kao i informacije o načinu da se registrujete za ovaj događaj…