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LG i Ennio Morricone

Smart telefon kompanije LG LU3000 (poznat i kao LG Optimus Mach) je predstavljen u Južnoj Koreji. Pored toga što je u pitanju veoma brz Android 2.2 telefon, dolazi sa jedinstvenim melodijama i pesmama komponovanim od strane legendarnog Ennio Morricone-a (Dobar, Loš, Zao, Misija…). LU3000 ima ekran dijagonale 3.8", HDMI izlaz i procesor na 1GHz koga proizvodi kompanija Texas Instruments. Izvor: UnwiredView

LG teams up with Ennio Morricone

LG smartphone LU3000 (known as LG Optimus Mach) has been launched in South Korea. Besides being a very fast Android 2.2 phone, it features unique ringtones and theme songs from no other than legendary Ennio Morricone (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Mission…). LU3000 features 3.8" WVGA display, HDMI-out and 1GHz Texas Instruments OMAP 3630 processor. Source: UnwiredView

3D Video beam, 3D notebook & 3D Monitor – LG 3D Trio

Company LG have announced the launch of their first 3D notebook (model LG R590 3D) which captures all the benefits of 3D in a portable form factor. In addition to the 3D notebook, LG is introducing a 3D monitor and 3D projector, offering a complete package of 3D products for gaming and movie viewing in one’s home. First 3D Notebook LG R590 3D with 15.6inch display, powered by Intel I7 CPU

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Windows Phone 7 se polako približava, a koncepti budućih telefona se pojavljuju

Svi smo veoma zainteresovani za dolazeći Windows Phone 7. Dok nam se dan predstavljanja novog džepnog Microsoft operativnog sistema približava, mnogi su radoznali, napeti, nervozni. To ponekad, naravno, može biti i dobro. Pogledajte koncept budućeg telefona osmišljenog od strane učesnika  XDA foruma (@FollowLivven na Twitter-u). Zapamtite da je ovo SAMO KONCEPT :) baziran na traču da će HTC Mondrian (sa procesorom na 1.3GHz) biti baziran kao naslednik nekog od sledećih

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As Windows Phone 7 is getting near, concepts appear

We are all very interested in the upcoming Windows Phone 7. As the new mobile OS from Microsoft is getting closer to launch date, people are getting nervous. Of course, that can sometimes be a good thing. Check out the design concept of XDA's Livven (@FollowLivven on Twitter). Remember this is JUST A CONCEPT :) based on a rumor that HTC Mondrian (1.3GHz) will be Diamond/TouchPro/HD based. The author is

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LG Crystal GD900

Nismo sigurni po pitanju ovog telefona. Definitivno ima taj "wow" efekat, jer je tastatura providna. Dodatno prijatelje možemo impresionirati pisanjem slova po providnoj površini prstom. Ima kameru rezolucije 8MP i Google servise, ali mu nedostaje GPS. Poseduje opciju konektivnosti putem Bluetooth i Wi-Fi mreža, kao i interesantan korisnički interfejs. Ipak, izgleda da LG treba da obrati pažnju na ekrane osetljive na dodir, pošto ovom primerku zameramo brzinu odziva. Na prvoj

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LG Crystal GD900

We are not certain about this phone. It does have the wow effect, since the keyboard is transparent and you can write by drawing letters on a transparent surface. 8MP camera, Google Services, but lacks GPS. It does pack, Bluetooth, WiFi, and interesting cube navigation. It seems that touchscreen is something that LG has yet to master, it lacks responsivnes. On a first pic we compare it to the HTC Touch

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LG-GM730 with Windows Mobile

LG is yet another PDA/Smartphone manufacturer with a new device powered by Windows Mobile OS. GM730 is not an ordinary 12mm thick PDA phone: according to LG it will pack unique 3D interface. LG has recently signed a special contract with Microsoft, allowing them to be the first manufacturer of a phone with the new version of Windows Mobile (ver 6.5). On top of Windows Mobile, the LG-GM730 will provide

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