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Tag flightcontrol

Više od 1,5 miliona preuzetih kopija igre FlightControl

Flight Control je najverovatnije jedna od najuspešnijih igara za iPhone, a zainteresovani korisnici ovih telefona su je preuzeli čak 1,5 million puta. Ono što je najbolje za kompaniju koja ju je razvila – u pitanju su plaćeni download-i (igra košta 99 centi). Igra je predstavljena u martu ove godine a već je u drugoj polovini juna dostigla magičnu cifru od 1 miliona prodatih kopija. Direktor kompanije Firemint, Robert Murray, je oduševljen

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More than 1.5 million downloads for iPhone game FlightControl

Flight Control is probably the single most successful iPhone game, and has been downloaded 1.5 million times. Best of all — at least for Firemint, the company behind the title — this is the number of paid downloads (the game costs 99 cents). The game was released back in the March of this year and has hit 1 million sales mark in the second half of June. It’s the beginning

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