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Category Fun

Nokia N900 u hakerskom pakovanju

Tracy and Matt su, na svom blogu, objavili video klip koji pokazuje nokiu N900 u neverovatnom pakovanju. Pred ekipom bloga našla se velika crna monolit kutija, sa mini USB konektorom. Izazov za prave hakere. Naravno, unutra ih je sačekala Nokia N900 sa Linux Maemo operativnim sistemom. Iako nam se ovaj OS izuzetno dopao, priča se da možemo očekivati samo još jedan model u bliskoj budućnosti. Uskoro više detalja o N900

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Više od 1,5 miliona preuzetih kopija igre FlightControl

Flight Control je najverovatnije jedna od najuspešnijih igara za iPhone, a zainteresovani korisnici ovih telefona su je preuzeli čak 1,5 million puta. Ono što je najbolje za kompaniju koja ju je razvila – u pitanju su plaćeni download-i (igra košta 99 centi). Igra je predstavljena u martu ove godine a već je u drugoj polovini juna dostigla magičnu cifru od 1 miliona prodatih kopija. Direktor kompanije Firemint, Robert Murray, je oduševljen

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More than 1.5 million downloads for iPhone game FlightControl

Flight Control is probably the single most successful iPhone game, and has been downloaded 1.5 million times. Best of all — at least for Firemint, the company behind the title — this is the number of paid downloads (the game costs 99 cents). The game was released back in the March of this year and has hit 1 million sales mark in the second half of June. It’s the beginning

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Void LP player concept

Korean designer Rhea Jeong has sent in images of her ‘Void’ LP player concept. The record player uses a carrier and dock outfitted with a magnetic and auto-calibrating control system which carries the LP into thin air as it is playing music. a self-running record player shaped in the form of a red sphere, contains a needle, amplifier and speaker, spins around the record, bringing the music to life. the

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Annoy-a-tron office fun

This is by far the most devious way to annoy the hell out of your coworkers. This small device, when armed and hidden, generates very short and VERY annoying beep every couple of minutes. With its thin design and embedded magnet for easy hiding, the Annoy-a-tron can be placed in a variety of locations. Select one of the three sound choices (2 kHz, 12 kHz, or alternating) and push the

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Samsung Omnia Pro, Omnia 2, Jet on video

Italian based HDblog published a video review of the new Samsung Jet as well as the all three Samsung new models (Omnia Pro, Omnia 2 & Jet). Photo gallery Samsung Jet review: [Via WMPoweruser] Detailed info on new models with specs and pics available on this Modaco thread

Using Latest Wii Technology to Fight Crime

It seems that the Kanagawa Police Departement uses latest state of the art technology to fight crime. To try to catch a man who has stolen a car, they created a Mii – a Wii mugshot which suits the man’s description. It’s unknown whether they had any success with it, but at least it’s a good demonstration how multifunctional the Wii can be – in ways you’ve never expected it

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Strong Motherboard Push Pins

Did you ever wonder how strong are push pins on your new motherboard? How big the cooler can be? Just check this out…I wonder if he is still able to boot it :)