
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

September 2010

BlackBerry App World sada ima preko 10.000 aplikacija

Stvari postaju jako interesantne kada su u pitanju mobilne aplikacije. Apple je i dalje na čelu sa preko 250.000 aplikacija, dok se Google brzo približava (oko 100.000). BlackBerry sada ima preko 10.000 aplikacija u svojoj "prodavnici" App World. Postavlja se pitanje koji procenat raspoloživih otpada na besmislene aplikacije (razni zvuci, masažeri, i slično). Napori kompanija Google i Nokia da omoguće bilo kome da kreira aplikaciju može rezultirati još većom gužvom

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BlackBerry now has more than 10,000 apps

As far as the mobile applications go, things are getting really interesting. Apple is still at the throne with more than 250,000 apps, and Google is approaching fast (100k). BlackBerry now has more than 10,000 in their App World. The question remains, what percent of them are just senseless pranks that just add to the count. The efforts of Google and Nokia to involve non-developers in the application creation could

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