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HTC Legend sutra dobija Froyo

Konačno je došao i taj trenutak. Svi korisnici modela HTC Legend će dobiti over-the-air update na Android 2.2 Prema izvoru HTCSource, nova verzija će se pojaviti sutra (9.dec.2010.). Ako niste instalirali najnoviju verziju potrebnu za najnoviji Android pokrenite: Settings > About phone > System software updates na vašem HTC Legend i izaberite Check now taster. Izvor: Android and Me

HTC Legend gets Froyo tomorrow

The moment has finaly come for all the owners of HTC Legend to receive over-the-air update to Android 2.2 According to HTCSource, the updates will start tomorrow (9.dec.2010.). If you did not install pre-Froyo update you can do it by running: Settings > About phone > System software updates on your Legend and select the Check now button. Via: Android and Me