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Tag google

Who is suing who in the mobile business?

Recent post from the Guardian's Technology Blog has a graphic representation of all current and completed lawsuits in the mobile business. Interesting stuff, so we guess suing is a big hit nowadays. Microsoft, the world's largest software company, claims that Motorola infringes nine of its patents in mobile phones  running Google's Android operating system; specifically, email, contacts and calendar synchronisation, scheduling meetings and notifying applications of changes in signal and

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Od sada bilo ko može da napravi Android aplikaciju

Era WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) razvoja mobilnih aplikacija je upravo počela. App Inventor je još jedna cool besplatna aplikacija koja izlazi iz Google Labsa, omogućavajući bilo kome da počne sa razvojem Android aplikacija sa par klikova mišem. Bez ikakvog potrebnog predznjanja u programiranju, samo dobra ideja je dovoljna da napravite odličnu aplikaciju. Aplikaciju je moguće napraviti kombinovanjem gotovih gradivnih elemenata (building blocks) i raspoređivajući komponente na

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App Inventor makes Android development possible for everyone

The era of WYSIWYG mobile development has just begun. App Inventor is another cool free Google Labs product that enables anyone to start making Android applications with a couple of clicks. With no programming skills whatsoever, only good idea can be sufficient for the success of the application. An application is born just by combining building blocks and arranging components on the screen. We suppose that this will boost the

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Da li je Motorola Shadow novi Google Phone ?

Postoji dosta tračeva u vezi novog vrhunskog Android telefona kompanije Motorola. Par mogućih scenarija su: Motorola Shadow će biti imenovana Droid 2 i postati Google (Nexus) Two, Motorola Shadow će biti poznata kao Google Nexus Two ali neće imati fizičku tastaturu, dok će skoro-identični Droid 2 imati tastaturu, Shadow uopšte ne postoji :) Na današnji dan (3. maj 2010.) specifikacije su najbliže sledećim: 4.3" kapacitivni ekran, rezolucije 480×854, QWERTY tastatura,

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Is Motorola Shadow the new Google phone ?

There have been a lot of rumors regarding the new high-end Android phone from Motorola. There are couple of possible scenarios: Motorola Shadow will be known as the Droid 2 and become the Google (Nexus) Two, Motorola Shadow will be known as Google Nexus Two and won't have physical keyboard, while the near-identical Droid 2 will have keyboard, There is no Shadow :) As far as the specs go: 4.3"

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Google Gesture Search za Android

Google je najzad izbacio Gesture Search aplikaciju za Android operativni sistem. Aplikacija vam omogućava da brzo nađete osobu u imeniku, omiljenu stranicu, aplikaciju ili pesmu, tako što ćete jednostavno iscrtavati poteze u obliku slova po ekranu vašeg uređaja. Na žalost, radi samo na Androidu 2.0 ili novijem, podržava samo engleski jezik, i sudeći po komentarima nekih korisnika, dostupna je samo na probranim verzijama Android Market-a. Ako ne možete da nađete

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Google Gesture Search for Android

Google's Gesture Search application for Android is finally out. It enables you to quickly find a contact, bookmark, application or music track simply by drawing alphabet gestures on your device's screen. Sadly, it is only working on Android 2.0 and up, supports only English language, and according to some user comments, is available only on selected Markets. If you can't find it on Market available in your country, you can

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Google poklanja Nexus One telefone svim učesnicima Android Developer Lab konferencije u Barseloni

Ekskluzivno za blog Kao što smo se i sami uverili, Google je poklanjao Nexus One telefone svim registrovanim učesnicima Android Developers Lab tehničkih konferencija na Mobile World Congress-u. Dok unosimo ovaj tekst Nexus telefoni se otpakuju i stotine ljudi prolaze Barselonom sa sivim novim telefonima i ružičastim znacima X na svojim rukama. Svaka čast za Google!

Google gives Nexus One phones to all developers at Mobile World Congress blog exclusive As we witnessed ourselves, Google has been giving away free Nexus One phones for all registered atendees at Android Developers Lab's technical conferences at Mobile World Congress. While we are entering this text Nexuses are being unboxed and a bunch of people are walking trough Barcelona with grey new phones and pink X signs on their hands. Way to go, Google!

Najbolji unboxing video do sada – Nexus One

Jedan od razloga zašto se na blogu ne nalaze unboxing video klipovi je i taj što telefone dobijamo u test fazi kao uzorke. Ipak video koji sledi, sa glavnom zvezom – Nexus One telefonom će se svideti svakom :) Izvor: Engadget