
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

New YouTube 2.1 app for Android 2.2+

Google has just released a new version of YouTube application for Android. Some of the new features are: In-page playback: you can read the video description, browse related, rate or flag videos without having to interrupt video playback. Posting comments: you can post a comment while the video is playing, just like on the desktop website. Subscription updates: we've made it easier to access new videos from your subscriptions. If

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HTC Legend sutra dobija Froyo

Konačno je došao i taj trenutak. Svi korisnici modela HTC Legend će dobiti over-the-air update na Android 2.2 Prema izvoru HTCSource, nova verzija će se pojaviti sutra (9.dec.2010.). Ako niste instalirali najnoviju verziju potrebnu za najnoviji Android pokrenite: Settings > About phone > System software updates na vašem HTC Legend i izaberite Check now taster. Izvor: Android and Me

HTC Legend gets Froyo tomorrow

The moment has finaly come for all the owners of HTC Legend to receive over-the-air update to Android 2.2 According to HTCSource, the updates will start tomorrow (9.dec.2010.). If you did not install pre-Froyo update you can do it by running: Settings > About phone > System software updates on your Legend and select the Check now button. Via: Android and Me

Tokyo Flash – sat za geekove :)

Dakle ovo je stvarno sjajno :) Do nedavno samo koncept, sada zaista možemo i da kupimo ovaj sat ($93). Dostupan je u beloj i crnoj boji. Izvor: Gizmodo, Tokyo Flash

Tokyo Flash – Geek compatible watch

Check this out :) Until recently just a concept, you can actually buy this baby for $93. It is available in black and white. Thanks Gizmodo, Tokyo Flash

Google predstavio Nexus S

Ponovo je lepo biti geek, Google je predstavio novi Android telefon . Proizvodi ga Samsung, a krase ga impresivne specifikacije i jedinstveni zakrivljeni ekran. Radi na novom Android 2.3 Gingerbread operativnom sistemu i pored Super AMOLED ekrana donosi i NFC tehnologiju (near field communication). Obavezno pogledajte zvaničnu stranicu. Pogledajte zvanične press fotografije koje smo dobili od Samsunga. [nggallery id=21]

Google unveils Nexus S

It is a fine day for all the geeks, as new Android phone is unveiled by Google. It is manufactured by Samsung, and it features impressive specifications and unique curved display. If runs new Android 2.3 Gingerbread and features Super AMOLED display along with near field communication. Be sure to check out the official page. Check out the official press photos provided by Samsung in the following gallery. [nggallery id=21]

Microsoft Mediaroom 2.0 na Sinergiji 10

Na Sinergiji 10 biće predstavljene i napredne mogućnosti nove Microsoft Medaroom 2.0 platforme. Naročito je zanimljiv Mediaroom for Windows Phone 7. Podsećamo Vas da je prisustvo besplatno a da je neophodno registrovati se na zvaničnoj Sinergija web stranici.

Windows Phone 7 na Sinergiji 10

Windows Phone 7 stiže i u Srbiju. U okviru ovogodišnje Sinergije10 organizuje se besplatan WP7 track, pa Vas podsećamo da se prijavite na zvaničnom Sinergija portalu i rezervišete vreme u četvrtak 18.11.2010. 13:00-15:00. Agenda: 13:00-13:30 Uvod, Microsoft platforma za mobilne uređaje nekada i sada, WP7, pregled novog OS-a sa demonstracijom na uređaju, uređaji na tržištu Marko Savković 13:30-14:00 WP7 Integration – Sharepoint, One Note, Outlook, Office, Social Networks… Pavle Peković

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Samsung kao Nexus 2?

Ukoliko su tačne glasine na internetu, možemo da očekujemo da će novi Google Nexus 2 proizvesti Samsung. Imaće AMOLED ekran od 4 inča, kameru sa prednje strane ali i elegantniji izgled od prethodne verzije – Nexus One. Google bi trebao da omogući i ugrađenu podršku za video čet, kao nadogradnju Google Talk servisa. Očekujemo da će biti baziran na Android 2.3 (kodno ime Gingerbread)  bez dodatnog TouchWiz korisničkog interfejsa. Ostatak

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