
Artificial Intelligence – Technology Blog

Tag b7610

Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 review

We are back from our holidays, and, since this is our first post this year, we wish everybody Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and lots of cool gadgets :-) For the last few days, we have been testing Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 (who comes up with these kind of names???). It is a splendid little smartphone, and we enjoyed playing with it. You can read our impressions about the

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Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 recenzija

Vratili smo se sa praznika, a pošto nam je ovo prvi post za ovu godinu, svima želimo srećan Božić i srećnu Novu godinu, a takođe i dosta super gedžeta :-) Poslednjih nekoliko dana smo testirali Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 (ko li samo smišlja ova imena???). U pitanju je baš zgodan mali smartphone, i prosto smo uživali igrajući se sa njim. Možete pročitati naše utiske o njemu ovde. Specifikacije u opštim

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