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Tag windows phone 7

Windows Phone 7 – ograničenja, parada i jako čudan promo spot

Kako se premijera novog džepnog operativnog sistema Windows Phone 7 približava, pojavljuje se sve više interesantnih informacija. Već smo imali članak posvećen WP7 ranije ove godine, Engadget ga je imao takođe. Na osnovu (još neproverenih) informacija o RTM verziji, ukoliko živite (a živimo) van EFIGS (English, French, Italian, German, Spain) govornog područja, nećete imati kompletno iskustvo u korišćenju ovog operativnog sistema – bar ne od samog početka: Marketplace funkcionalnost će

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Windows Phone 7 limitations, parade and strange promo video

As the launch of Windows Phone 7 is getting near, more information surfaces. We already had a dedicated WP7 post earlier this year, Engadget had it too. The chance is, if you're not living in EFIGS (English, French, Italian, German, Spain) speaking countries, you will not get the complete experience – at least not from the start: Marketplace functionality will be limited No Xbox Live service No Zune support Only

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Windows Phone 7 – šta da očekujemo ?

Nadamo se da će ovaj put Microsoft bolje proći. Segmentu smart telefona zaista je potreban još jedan jak igrač, koji bi se uhvatio u koštac sa iPhone OS-om, Androidom, BlackBerry OS-om… Windows Mobile nije adekvatno odgovorio konkurenciji, a iskreno, verzije 6.5.x su nas razočarale. Pogledajmo raspoložive informacije o novoj plaformi od kada je ona predstavljena (ovaj događaj smo pratili uživo na blogu, direktno sa Mobile World Congress 2010, održanog

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Windows Phone 7 – what to expect ?

We are really hoping everything works out OK for Microsoft this time. Smartphone OS arena definately could do with another strong player, competing with iPhone OS, Android, BlackBerry OS… Windows Mobile failed to deliver, and frankly, versions 6.5.x were a big disappointment. So we bring you a recap of the important news since the unveiling we covered live at Mobile World Congress 2010, Barcelona. We really dig the new flat

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