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Tag nexus two

Samsung kao Nexus 2?

Ukoliko su tačne glasine na internetu, možemo da očekujemo da će novi Google Nexus 2 proizvesti Samsung. Imaće AMOLED ekran od 4 inča, kameru sa prednje strane ali i elegantniji izgled od prethodne verzije – Nexus One. Google bi trebao da omogući i ugrađenu podršku za video čet, kao nadogradnju Google Talk servisa. Očekujemo da će biti baziran na Android 2.3 (kodno ime Gingerbread)  bez dodatnog TouchWiz korisničkog interfejsa. Ostatak

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Is Motorola Shadow the new Google phone ?

There have been a lot of rumors regarding the new high-end Android phone from Motorola. There are couple of possible scenarios: Motorola Shadow will be known as the Droid 2 and become the Google (Nexus) Two, Motorola Shadow will be known as Google Nexus Two and won't have physical keyboard, while the near-identical Droid 2 will have keyboard, There is no Shadow :) As far as the specs go: 4.3"

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